Find out about Disposal Grants

Eligible households can apply for a cash grant to incentivise disposal of a non-LEZ compliant vehicle. Following the successful disposal of the vehicle, additional funding will be available in the form of Travel Better grants for two members of the household, to put towards the purchase of a bike, an e-bike, shared transport credits or public transport passes.

For microbusinesses, the fund provides an incentive of a cash grant for the removal of a non-compliant car or van that is either replaced with a compliant vehicle, or an alternative mode of transport such as an e-bike. Following the successful disposal of the vehicle, further funding may be available for the business to invest in a cargo bike option.

Administered by Energy Saving Trust, this programme is means-tested and offers help to those most impacted. It provides people and micro-businesses with financial support to travel more sustainably and comply with forthcoming measures to improve air quality and protect public health.

This funding supports the Programme for Government commitments to help those who will have the most difficulty in making the transition to the introduction of LEZs.

To find out more about the cash grants for disposal of vehicles please follow the link to the Energy Saving Trust webpage below:

Information for households

Information for micro businesses

Energy Saving Trust can also be contacted at

Find out about Retrofit Grants

You can apply for this funding by following advice here.

The Low Emission Zone Retrofit Fund will provide support to micro businesses who operate within LEZs, to help them retrofit their existing non-LEZ compliant vehicle with Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS) approved solutions that meet the confirmed minimum standards of the LEZs.

Grants cover up to 70% of the cost of a retrofit solution for (subject to a cap value dependent on solution and vehicle type):

  • light commercial vehicles (LCVs)
  • taxis
  • heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) and refuse collection vehicles (RCVs)

To find out more about the grants for retrofitting, please follow the link to the Energy Saving Trust webpage.

For retrofit related queries, please email Energy Saving Trust at

Bus Retrofitting

The Bus Emission Abatement Retrofit (BEAR) grant funding supports bus and coach operators with the financial costs associated with engine and exhaust retrofitting to reduce emissions and improve air quality.

BEAR Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 provided £18.6 million funding to support the costs of retrofitting of 1143 buses and coaches to Euro VI standard in Scottish Air Quality Management Areas from 2018 to 2022.

Further funding has been made available in BEAR Phase 5 for 2022/23 to licensed bus and coach operators, local authorities and community transport operators. Further details on this fund can be found here - Scottish Bus Emission Abatement Retrofit Fund | Transport Scotland