LEZ regulation and guidance workshops concluded

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to attend our Low Emission Zone (LEZ) workshops last week.
The events in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee were well attended by over 120 people and provided an opportunity for people to contribute to the development of regulations and guidance which will underpin the operation of Scotland’s LEZs.
Staff are grateful to have met with people interested in the development of LEZs and with many different interests represented across the three days. The contributions which have been received are extremely valuable to the development of LEZ regulations and guidance.
Dr Stephen Thomson, Head of Air Quality at Transport Scotland, said:
“Having previously consulted on the general principles behind Scotland’s Low Emission Zones, this was a valuable opportunity to seek views on the options for regulations and guidance which will help shape how LEZs may be operated by a local authority.
“Many thanks to all those who took the time to join our workshops. We hope you found the process both engaging and informative. Our task now is to assess your contributions and then share common themes and findings as part of our transparent policy development process.
“If you missed the workshops you will still have an opportunity to share your views. We will publish the findings from the workshops on www.lowemissionzones.scot in the coming months and we will happily receive any ideas or opinions following the publication of those findings. Feedback can be provided via the email address: lowemissionzonesenquiries@gov.scot
“We all want Scotland’s air quality to be the best in Europe. The Scottish Government’s commitment to introducing Low Emission Zones across our four biggest cities will help make our transport system cleaner, greener and healthier. Thank you again for taking the time to join us and have a say in their development.”