How LEZs work alongside Scotland's Climate Week

Scotland’s Climate Week is an opportunity to start meaningful conversations about how we all need to work together and the actions we need to take to help tackle climate change.
This is an annual event to raise awareness of the global climate emergency and encourage climate action across the country. We all need to have conversations about climate change so that we all know how we can help and the changes we can make.
Individuals, businesses and communities all have their role to play and it is through working together that we will have most impact and help Scotland to become a net zero nation by 2045.
One big step Scotland has taken in the fight against climate change is the introduction of Low Emission Zones (LEZs) in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. LEZs will improve air quality by setting minimum emission standards vehicles must meet to drive in city centres, meaning that the dirtiest and most polluting vehicles will be discouraged from entering the areas.
LEZs encourage people to consider more sustainable transport methods, make greater use of public transport and active travel including walking, wheeling and cycling as an alternative to taking the car.
If you haven’t already, why not think about alternatives to driving where possible? For shorter journeys could you walk, wheel, cycle or use public transport? Making this change will help improve air quality by taking more cars off the road for unnecessary journeys. has fantastic toolkits and resources to help you begin climate conversations and find out how you can take action.
You can also use #ScotClimateWeek to see what other people are up to and see how you can get involved.
To find out more about the LEZs in each city in Scotland, click here